Christ Church Cathedral
The Heart Of The Anglican Faith...Christ Church Cathedral is at the epicenter of the Anglican Faith…This is where all the major religious services are held…

The Right Reverend Laish Boyd
Bishop of the Bahamas And Turks and Caicos Islands
Laish Zane Boyd was born in Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas. He was educated at government and private schools, graduating high school in 1977. In 1983 he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Classical History and Philosophy from King’s College at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
He tested his vocation to the priesthood at Codrington College, St. John, Barbados, obtaining a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology from the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados, in 1986. He was ordained deacon in that year and priest the following year, both times by the late Bishop Michael H. Eldon, first Bahamian bishop of the diocese.
He served in the following parishes:
Christ the King, New Providence, Assistant,
Our Lady and St. Stephen, Bimini, Rector
Christ Church Cathedral, Nassau, Priest Vicar
Holy Cross, N.P., Rector.
He was consecrated bishop in 2006, serving
as bishop coadjutor, and became diocesan on 1st January, 2009.
He is a cradle Anglican, having been baptized, raised, confirmed and involved as a teenager, in St. Agnes Church, Baillou Hill Road, N.P.
He is married to Joann and the couple has three adult sons.
“So I came to my Christian faith later in life, and it was because the precepts of Jesus Christ spoke to me in terms of the kind of life that I would want to lead – being my brothers’ and sisters’ keeper … And I think also understanding that Jesus Christ dying for my sins spoke to the humility we all have to have as human beings, that we’re sinful and we’re flawed and we make mistakes, and that we achieve salvation through the grace of God.”
— Barack Obama
Certainly know that I would not be able to survive if it were not for the fact that I am being upheld by the prayers of so many people.
Desmond Tutu

History Of The ACM Bahamas & TCI
When the Bahamas was granted to the Lords Propietors of Carolina by the English Crown in 1670 one of the conditions was the establishment of the Anglican church on the islands. The first Christ Church was built in Nassau between 1670 and 1684 to act as the Parish church of the colony. This wooden structure and its successor were destroyed by the Spanish and a third wooden building was demolished to make way in 1754 for a stone built structure. This in turn was enlarged to become the present building in 1841.
In 1729, with the arrival of Woodes Rodgers, the first Royal Governor, the Bahamian church was established by law and came under the episcopal jurisdiction of the Bishop of London. In 1768 a second parish of St John’s was created to serve Harbour Island and Eleuthera. When the Diocese of Jamaica was created in 1824, the Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Islands were incorporated into that diocese, becoming in 1844 a separate Archdeaconry.
On 4 November 1861 the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands became a diocese in their own right as the Diocese of Nassau, the township of Nassau was proclaimed a city and Christ Church made the diocesan cathedral. The Anglican church was disestablished in 1869.
In 1999 Angela Palacious was ordained as the first woman deacon in the Anglican Diocese of Nassau’s 138-year history and the following year, she became the first Bahamian woman to be ordained as an Anglican priest.

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