History Of The Anglican Church Men’s Union

Church records indicates that the Bahamas Churchmen’s Union was instituted January 15 th 1866;

its objectives were: –

To promote the close and active cooperative of Clergy and Laity by any of the following

means, or others, which may be conclusive to the same end

o By meeting for conversation and mutual improvement

o By circulating books and information on subjects of interest affecting the work

and condition of the church

o By holding friendly intercourse for the purpose of engaging young men to take

personal interest in religion

o By instructing the ignorant

o By lectures, reading, discussions, singing, classes and musical entertainment

Also in the church archives are the Bylaws of and offices of Christ Church Brotherhood, founded

November 1 st 1871; its objectives were: –

To unite members of the church more closely together in brotherly sympathy and love

To acquire and disseminate information relative to the principle and work of the church

To pray for the divine blessing upon the church ministration and in every possible way,

aid in its operation

The length of time these organizations remained in existence is uncertain and there were most

likely others, of which we have no records before the 1960’s when the Bahamas Church Men

(BCM), forerunner to the ACM was organized.

The ACM as it exists today was organized parochially in the early to mid-1970’s. On June 14 th

1973, the ACM Council was officially instituted by Bishop Rt. Reverend Michael H. Eldon.

The Aims and Objectives of the ACM are: –

To give greater glory to God through worship, fellowship, study, service and giving;

through self-disciplined lives and daily witness that enables others to see Christ in us

To assist the Clergy in giving of our Time, Talents and Treasures

The official uniform of the ACM, Burgundy Jacket with Grey dress slacks, was created by Past

Council President David Clarke. Our first theme song was “Great is Thy Faithfulness”, today

“Rise Up O Men of God” is the theme song of the ACM.

Parochial units contribute annually in accordance with their ability toward a special project

named by our Patron, the Bishop. Our project for many years has been the sponsoring of the

radio program Insight, aired weekly on ZNS Radio.


Presently there are a number of branches in Nassau, throughout the Family Islands, and the

Turks & Caicos Islands. All branches are encouraged to take up other challenges within their

parish and community, the primary goal of catering to our young men. Mentoring programs

and the development of our young men are our number one priority.

Individual development of the whole man is also an integral part of our program. Seminars,

retreats, bible study are held to enlighten men on health, financial, psychological and spiritual


Membership in the ACM is open to all Anglican men over the age of 18, who are confirmed

members and regular communicants of the Anglican church. YOU have a part to play. What

have you done for Christ lately?




1972 – 1974 Reuben Gomez- Deceased

1974 – 1975 Harold Cole- Deceased

1975 – 1976 Preston Hanna- Deceased

1976 – 1978 Clyde Bethel- Deceased

1978 – 1982 Warren Pinde – Deceased

1982 – 1983 Alton Wallace – Deceased

1983 – 1985 David Clarke – Deceased

1985 – 1987 Christopher Francis

1987 – 1989 Reginald Whylly –




1989 – 1992 Edwin Strachan-Deceased

1992 – 1995 Roger Simmons

1995 – 1999 Bismark Coakley –


1999 – 2002 Everette Mackey

2002 – 2006 Herbert Scott- Deceased

2006 – 2008 Kurth Wallace

2008 – 2015 Kevin Ryan

2015 – Dwight Gibson

Our Mission & Vision

Our vision and mission is to help connect people to faith

 To win the soul of the Anglican Children for the Lord. VISION: To establish the children back to the Anglican Church where ever they are found. 

Anglican Church History

150 Years as a Diocese




The presence of the Anglican Church can be traced from the early beginnings of Bahamian History. The Eleutherian Adventurers after 1647 made the first settlement of the English after these islands had been more or less abandoned by the Spaniards who had eliminated the early Lucayan population. It is said that the Eleutherian Adventurers included two Anglican priests, Stephen Painter and Nathaniel White, who had left the church. In 1670 the Bahamas was granted to the Lord Proprietors of Carolina by the English Crown. Among the requirements of this Grant was the establishment of churches in the islands. Christ Church Cathedral dates from 1670.

On April 12, 1731, Mr. William Guy, a missionary from South Carolina, visited the Bahamas to administer to the spiritual and sacramental needs of the inhabitants.

Mention has also been made of Thomas Curphey, the garrison chaplain, who was subsequently ordained by the Bishop of Gloucester to the diaconate and priesthood between 1721 and 1723. In residence was a Reverend Halton who caused Governor Elias Haskett (1700-1702) some concern. Reverend William Smith of the Society of the Propagation of the Gospel was the first missionary of S.P.G. sent to the Bahamas and arrived in 1737.

As stated earlier, the presence of the Anglican Church in The Bahamas can be traced to the earliest English settlement but it was in 1729, with the arrival of the first Royal Governor, Woodes Rogers, that the church was established by law. According to Rogers’ Royal Instructions, the Bishop of London, Edmund Gibson (1723 – 1748) became technically Bishop of the Bahamas. On September 6, 1734, the entire Bahamas was erected into one parish of Christ Church. In 1768, St. John’s Parish has created as a second Parish which was made up of Harbour Island and Eleuthera. This can be attested to by visiting the Parish Church of St. John at Harbour Island dating back to the early eighteenth century. The United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (formerly the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel) was in those early days generous in providing missionaries, and priests especially from 1733 – to 1807 and from 1836 until modern times. In addition, the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge and Dr. Bray’s Associates contributed generously to the building up of the Church in The Bahamas. In 1824 the Diocese of Jamaica was created and The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands were incorporated into this Diocese. An Act of The Bahamas Legislature of 30th January 1826 recognized the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Jamaica, Christopher Lipscombe, over the clergy in the Bahamas. Bishop Lipscomb visited the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands four times in 1826, 1830, 1834, and 1839. The Bahamas was elevated to an Archdeaconry in 1844 by Aubrey George Spencer, second Bishop of Jamaica who also appointed the Rev. John McCammon Trew as Archdeacon in the Bahamas. The Archdeacon lived in The Bahamas from 1844 to 1857, when he returned home to Ireland. Bishop Spencer visited the Bahamas five times in 1845, 1847, 1848, 1850, and 1852. The Lord Bishop of Kingston, Reginald Courtney, was the last Bishop from Jamaica to visit The Bahamas as a Diocesan.

The people in the Bahamas were not satisfied with the occasional visits of the Bishops from Jamaica added to which was dissatisfaction over the decision of Bishop Spencer in 1850 in regards to the Burial Ground Controversy. Bahamians began to see the need for a bishop of their own. In 1848, The Turks and Caicos Islands seceded from the Bahamas and later came under the jurisdiction of Jamaica, although remaining under the Archdeaconry of the Bahamas. On 4th November 1861, the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands became a separate diocese. Dr. Charles Caulfield, the successor of Archdeacon Trew was consecrated as the first Bishop of Nassau, in Lambeth Palace (The London Residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury) on November 24, 1861. The new bishop arrived in Nassau in May 1862 and Nassau by Letters Patent became a city. The Letters Patent were proclaimed with much ceremony on the steps of the public buildings by the Provost Marshall and were read in Christ Church Cathedral in the presence of a large number of parishioners and government officials on 17th June 1862, in the Cathedral. Six priests took the oath of allegiance to their bishop. Unfortunately, the first bishop of the diocese died prematurely in September 1862 of Yellow Fever. He was succeeded by Addington Robert Peel Venables (nephew of Sir Robert Peel).

In spite of setbacks from time to time, The Church has continued to be a tower of strength to the Bahamian Community.

Since its creation as a Diocese in 1861, The Diocese has intensified its ministries of pastoral care and education in conveying its mission on these islands. From its earliest years, the church has established primary and secondary schools. The latter continued until the early years of the 1930s.

During the episcopacy of Bishop Spence Burton S.S.J.E., The Diocese returned to the field of secondary education after a lapse of many years. A diocesan high school called St. John’s College (After the Patron Saint of the Diocese St. John the Baptist) was established in 1947. This was followed a few years later (1955) by St. Anne’s High School which started out as a parochial venture under Canon Pugh. There are two other schools – Bishop Michael High School at Freeport, Grand Bahama, and St. Andrew’s Junior High at Georgetown, Exuma.

On 24th June 1971, Michael Hartley Eldon consecrated Suffragan Bishop with the title Bishop of New Providence. Less than a year later on April 20, 1972, the Diocesan Synod unanimously elected Michael H. Eldon as the 11th Bishop of Nassau and the Bahamas including the Turks and Caicos Islands, and the first Bahamian Bishop of this Diocese. Similarly, on 1st September 1996 the Rt. Reverend Drexel Gomez, former Bishop of Barbados, succeeded Bishop Eldon as Diocesan Bishop. Bishop Gomez, who had been Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese prior to his elevation, became the first Bahamian to be elevated as Archbishop of the Province of the West Indies on October 20, 1998.

Bishop Laish Boyd was elected Coadjutor on June 29, 2006, and became Diocesan Bishop on January 1, 2009.

To date, this Diocese has had thirteen diocesan bishops. There have been two Suffragan Bishops, the Rt. Rev’d. Michael H. Eldon and the Rt. Rev’d. Gilbert A. Thompson. Two other Bahamians have been elevated to the episcopacy: the late Donald Knowles, Bishop of Antigua, and the Rt. Reverend Cornel J. Moss currently serves as Bishop of Guyana.


DIOCESAN BISHOPS                                EPISCOPACY

Charles Caulfield                                            1861-1862

Addington Robert Peel Venables                   1864-1876

F.A.R.C. Cramer Roberts                               1878-1885

Edward Churton                                             1886-1900

Henry Norris Churton                                     1902-1904

Wilfred Bird Hornby                                        1904-1918

Roscow Shedden                                           1919-1931

John Dauglish                                                 1932-1942

Spence Burton, S.S.J.E.                                 1942-1961

Bernard Markham                                           1962-1972

Michael H. Eldon                                            1972-1996

Drexel W. Gomez                                           1996-2008

Laish Boyd Sr.                                                 2009 – present

During these hundreds of years, the clergy and missionaries of this scattered Diocese have ministered to all and sundry, high and low in all sorts of circumstances and some have been in perils of the deep and lost their lives providing the gospel to our Bahamian people.

The Anglican Church in the Bahamas has been integrally involved with the life of the nation since its inception. Imitating the English model of the Crown as head of national life which included church and state, Royal Governors have forwarded the development of the political, social, cultural, and educational life. The English clergy has assisted the Governors and Parliament in cultivating ordered societies based on Christian principles and the rule of law. The Book of Common Prayer which contained a moral code of conduct through its Catechism dictated the duties of man to God and his neighbor. The priests and educated Anglican Catechists and Lay Readers were in the vanguard of instructing the citizenry in reading, writing, and arithmetic. Schools were established by the Church in the eighteenth century in order to enable students to enter English Universities. Other schools were introduced for instructing white, persons of colour, and black free persons. Some children of slaves also attended. Bear in mind that this is long before there was any Board of Education, Ministry of Education, or any other formal educational effort organized by the state.

Members of the Anglican Communion have always been at the forefront of the total life of the community by providing teachers, doctors, musicians, athletes, lawyers, politicians, nurses, and carpenters, and in the sharing of many different talents and skills. The early priests and the present ones are still in our schools – Government and Church – in continuing the tradition of education. Many Anglican politicians in both Chambers continue in making contributions to national life. So it is also with many of our top-ranked and other civil servants and persons all over the private sector.

We have produced leaders in the Arts and Culture. Our Junkanoo development to the present stage was greatly influenced by Anglicans. The Charges made by our Bishops at the opening of the Synod and other directives still help to direct the course of our nation.

We can rightly say that the Anglican Church in The Bahamas and in The Turks and Caicos Islands has been true to its calling and mandate as given to us by our Lord and Saviour Himself: ” Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations; baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commands I give you”. Matthew 28:19-20.


Beliefs & Values

Beliefs are basically assumptions that we make about the world and our values stem from those beliefs. Our values are things that we deem important and can include concepts like ‘“ equality, honesty, education, effort, perseverance, loyalty, faithfulness, conservation of the environment and many, many other concepts.


 For the believer in Jesus, every trial of suffering is an opportunity to grow in the faith, to grow in our relationship with the Lord, and to see Him work in our lives in a uniquely personal way that demonstrates His compassion, His comfort, His tender mercies, His loving-kindnesses, His grace, and His endless love. Only God knows what each of us needs to experience and learn in order to be “conformed to the image of his Son”.


“A man does not live for himself alone in this mortal body to work for it alone, but he lives also for all men on earth; rather, he lives only for others and not for himself. To this end he brings his body into subjection that he may the more sincerely and freely serve others.”
― Martin Luther…


 What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like.
– Augustine


I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone for salvation, and an assurance was given me that he had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.

John Wesley…


 He who lays up treasures on earth spends his life backing away from his treasures. To him, death is loss. He who lays up treasures in heaven looks forward to eternity; he’s moving daily toward his treasures. To him, death is gain. He who spends his life moving toward his treasures has reason to rejoice. Are you despairing or rejoicing?
– Randy Alcorn

 “Doing our best is not easy, but it is what is required,” said Boyd during the opening of the 117th Session of the Synod of the Anglican Diocese of The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands at Christ Church Cathedral on Monday. “May God give us the vision and wisdom to address these and other realities as He would have us to. Remember, God is still God, and we are still the church.”

– The Right Reverend Liash Boyd

Who We Are

Our Team & Leadership

Our Leadership Team Past and Present…

The Christian Men who have successfully led us and continue to lead are recognized below…

The Rt. Revd. Laish Boyd -Diocesan Bishop

Dwayne Turnquest

Dwayne Turnquest

Present Council President-Epiphany

Patrick Douglas

Patrick Douglas

Present Council President-Holy Cross

Ricardo Rolle

Ricardo Rolle

Present Council President- St. Margaret's

Linton Ritchie

Linton Ritchie

Present Council President- St. Anne's

Lavade Darling

Lavade Darling

Present Council President-St. Georges

Dale Grant

Dale Grant

Present Council President-St. Matthews

Keith Seymour

Keith Seymour

Present Council President- Christ Church Cathedral

Lorenzo Rolle

Lorenzo Rolle

Present Council President- St. Mary's

Gerard Sawyer

Gerard Sawyer

Present Council President-Holy Trinity

Holland Grant

Holland Grant

Present Council President-Holy Spirit

Brian Nixon

Brian Nixon

Present Council President- St Ambrose

Wayne Roberts

Wayne Roberts

Present Council President- St. James

Godfrey Lundy

Godfrey Lundy

Present Council President-All Saints

Conrad Jennings

Conrad Jennings

Present Council President-Christ The King

Earl Rahming

Earl Rahming

Present Council President- St. Agnes

Trevor Bethel

Trevor Bethel

Present Council President- St. Barnabas

Shanty Richards

Shanty Richards

Present Council President-St. Gregory's

Biskack Coakley

Biskack Coakley

Past Council President

David Clark

David Clark

Past Council President

Herbert Scott

Herbert Scott

Past Council President

Christopher  Francis

Christopher Francis

Past Council President

Dwight Gibson

Dwight Gibson

Past Council President

Everette Mackey

Everette Mackey

Past Council President

Kevin Ryan

Kevin Ryan

Past Council President

Right Revd. Laish Boyd

Right Revd. Laish Boyd

Diocesan Bishop